Thursday, October 24, 2013

Psilocybin Mushrooms That Grow In Alberta

There are a few different species of psychedelic psilocybin mushrooms that grow in Alberta. I am going to try to look for these soon, although I fear it's probably too late in the season. When picking mushrooms one must be careful because many mushrooms look alike and picking a wrong one could result in death if ingested. A great site called lists the different kinds of mushrooms that grow in Alberta and has great descriptions. I will put up the names and links to the descriptions of each mushroom species and I will rate them from least rare: * to most rare: ***

#1 Conocybe kuehneriana**
Description of Conocybe kuchneriana

#2 Gymnopilus junonius**Gymnopilus junonius Description

#3 Gymnopilus luteofolius** Gymnopilus luteofolius Description

#4 Gymnopilus luteus** Gymnopilus luteus Description

#5 Panaeolus cinctulus* Panaeolus cinctulus Description

On most of the description pages they only have U.S locations but they do grow In Canada and these five types DO grow in Alberta. Pay most attention to the description of the mushroom, the season,  habitat and distribution. These will be the tips that will make it the easiest to find. If you live in a farm like area you'll probably have more luck finding Panaeolus cinctulus and if you live near a forested area with coniferous trees you'll probably have more luck with the other four. I hope gathering this information in one easy place was helpful and I wish you good hunting if you so choose.

Goodbye and good luck! -TGL


  1. Rare to most rare?? Doesn't sound promising. Where does one at least look after this this rainy summer west of Calgary and in what habitat?
