Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Amanita Muscaria Resin Extract

A few days ago I purchased an amanita muscaria 10x resin extract which is an amanita muscaria mushroom concentrate.
 If you are not familiar with the amanita muscaria mushroom, it is a psychedelic mushroom
like the psilocybin mushroom.

This mushroom however, is legal unlike regular psilocybin mushrooms. Another difference is that you can peel the skin off of the head of the mushroom, dry it and smoke it to get a mushroom high that hits quickly and lasts about as long as a marijuana high. This resin I purchased is a concentrated 3 gram amount that one can smoke using a oil pipe or vaporizer. The 10x part is how strong the concentrate is. I assume there is also 20x but I have only seen 10x and 30x. I expect it to arrive in a couple weeks so once I get it I will report on the effects, if any, (sometimes these concentrates online are made poorly and tend to not be strong or even work) but hopefully will get high as fuck, but I'll let you guys know. I also plan on buying just dried amanitas and eating them. That will have a much higher chance in being effective. Until next time, goodnight and good luck.

Thursday, October 24, 2013

Psilocybin Mushrooms That Grow In Alberta

There are a few different species of psychedelic psilocybin mushrooms that grow in Alberta. I am going to try to look for these soon, although I fear it's probably too late in the season. When picking mushrooms one must be careful because many mushrooms look alike and picking a wrong one could result in death if ingested. A great site called shroomery.com lists the different kinds of mushrooms that grow in Alberta and has great descriptions. I will put up the names and links to the descriptions of each mushroom species and I will rate them from least rare: * to most rare: ***

#1 Conocybe kuehneriana**
Description of Conocybe kuchneriana

#2 Gymnopilus junonius**Gymnopilus junonius Description

#3 Gymnopilus luteofolius** Gymnopilus luteofolius Description

#4 Gymnopilus luteus** Gymnopilus luteus Description

#5 Panaeolus cinctulus* Panaeolus cinctulus Description

On most of the description pages they only have U.S locations but they do grow In Canada and these five types DO grow in Alberta. Pay most attention to the description of the mushroom, the season,  habitat and distribution. These will be the tips that will make it the easiest to find. If you live in a farm like area you'll probably have more luck finding Panaeolus cinctulus and if you live near a forested area with coniferous trees you'll probably have more luck with the other four. I hope gathering this information in one easy place was helpful and I wish you good hunting if you so choose.

Goodbye and good luck! -TGL

First Post

        Today I begin a new search in psychotropics, although to specify it as new is being somewhat dishonest, for I have been interested for about 5 years. My goal is to learn all I can about how psychotropics work, experiment in a safe and responsible manner with them and share the knowledge and truth about substances to help push people in a the direction of responsible use and legalization.

            I first came into contact with "drugs" through a government "anti-drug" program at school called D.A.R.E. : Drug Abuse Resistance Education. This program promotes scaring children straight as it were, by telling them that all drug use "hurts people."  Their stance seems to be that it's all bad, all the time. On their website Dare.org they have a section on how to inform your children about drugs: http://www.dare.org/how-to-talk-to-your-kids-about-drugs/,  but there really isn't any information given. It just gives bad possible effects of drugs but doesn't delineate between what drugs have a negative or positive effects let alone mentioning any positive effects whatsoever. To me it's more or less just saying "NO! drugs bad!" without giving any sort of informed explanation. The program is set up and taught by a police officer and in my opinion gives a terrible and false understanding of substances. It's an indoctrination of ignorance and fear at an early age. In the section of the website that is meant to show parents how to talk to your kids about drugs, they mention not to exaggerate when explaining the harms of drugs to your child. This first struck me as ridiculous because in their first paragraph they say: "It can cause AIDS, impaired coordination, slowed growth, and emotional harm such as feelings of isolation or paranoia." The "it" in question is drugs. Not a specific drug mind you, just illegal drugs in general. Last time I checked exaggeration meant to say something is worse or better than it really is. They either need to learn the definition of exaggeration or they need to change the information, which of course they won't because the fear mongering system they have works. It makes money from jails by prosecuting non violent drug offenders and keeps a large portion of the population ignorant. If the population understood that most substances like marijuana or psilocybin mushrooms are safe and can have amazing effects on ones mood, mental health and even physical health in some cases when used responsibly, it would be a huge change because they could actually see how the government is manipulating them.

    The main point they should be making is to keep the people safe by responsible control of the substance, not putting them on prohibition. If history and the drug war have taught us anything, it is that this ignorant system of fear mongering and prohibition doesn't work. Substances should be tested for impurities and controlled within the confines of the law like food and alcohol . Putting them outside the law only leads to crime, loss of public safety (as most illegal substances usually aren't tested for safety and impurity), and loss of tax dollars. It makes no sense. I understand wanting to keep people safe but this is not the proper way to achieve it. Once I discovered that most drugs were not as malevolent as I was taught to think, it made me lose trust in my government and a large portion of my society. A government that promotes falsified evidence for laws that really only serve to make money and control the public, to me, is not one I find especially trustworthy, but I digress. 

                         Over the past 5 years i've been slowly becoming more and more interested in psychotropics and mind altering substances. What really piqued my interest, was on one night while I was still a novice pot smoker, I smoked a little too much weed while alone in my basement and  had a trip, of sorts. It put me in a mindset that showed me how amazing the things we experience on a day to day basis are, and how even though we're made up of  atoms filled with empty space, still we retain consciousness. It broke down a part of my ego and showed me that there was a better way to look at life. Up to that point in the year I had been feeling depressed, unsocial and had a very narrow, very pessimistic view of life. Afterwards however, I became much happier, friendlier and began becoming interested in mind expanding and altering drugs. I didn't have much information to go on and doing other drugs seemed kind of scary from hearing other peoples drug experiences and bad trips. For awhile I had only smoked marijuana and done DXM (which is a psychotropic ingredient found in some over the counter cough syrups.) All in all I was skeptical but having done dxm it opened the door for me to go on to more potent psychotropics.

        This year of 2013, was my first year having done psilocybin mushrooms and LSD. My first psilocybin mushroom experience was at a children's park with a few of my friends at night. Three of us ate the mushrooms while two stayed sober. I was the only person to eat the mushrooms that had never tried it before and I was a little nervous, but excited more than anything. I first started noticing the effects when I would look at my friend's faces and they had what looked like tribal symbols drawn on their faces in white. Each person carried a different symbol on their face and they started to look like they were under a black light. the symbols on their faces were bright and white as if drawn with semen which I thought to be hilarious. As the high got stronger I began to have trouble speaking in coherent  sentences and couldn't put words together well enough to get an idea across. Because of this I didn't talk much until my other two friends began to feel the mushrooms take effect. My sentences didn't get any more coherent but I could get my thoughts across to my friends who were also on mushrooms. The highs created some sort of psychedelic connection between us that I didn't have with my sober friends. Later my one sober friend who is physically fit, did a headstand on a 5 foot tall stump to impress and trip out the people who were high. I couldn't even concentrate on him. I was staring at the moon and was entranced. My friend got down from the stump and said something to me but I didn't hear him, I just started walking towards the moonlight. I got about 20 feet and had to tell myself to stop walking, for my body wanted to keep moving towards the moonlight.  The trip was going great until we started hearing coyotes. There were quite a few calling to each other and I knew it could be dangerous so I wanted to leave and go somewhere without the threat of getting attacked by animals. Not so crazy right? I didn't want to split up the group or stop hanging out, I just wanted to be in place without the potential for harm. We stayed there for probably 20 minutes with the coyotes getting louder and louder. One person that I was friends with at the time made a big deal about it and freaked out and started turning my trip bad. I'm not one for arguments even while sober, they tend to make me uncomfortable, but while I was high it was even worse. I just wanted to leave the location and my other friends could see that, so they started saying they were tired anyway so I mentioned us going home and my friend started freaking out even more and getting mad and yelling, which is to me the worst feelings, ESPECIALLY while high. Eventually she got so mad she told us to go home and we split up. My two sober friends were going to their houses in one direction, and me and my other two high friends, one of which was being angry and bitchy, were going to our houses in the opposite direction. We kept talking and walking and soon enough I explain to her in better detail what I meant which improves her mood, so the three of us decide to go to her house and we ended up having a great conversation where we connected for the first time in awhile, which also turned out to be the last time.

             The second time I ate mushrooms, I was at a hippy festival in Driftpile Alberta, Canada called North Country Fair but is better known by locals as NCF or "Hippy Daze". The mushrooms that were being sold there were of low quality. I ate an eighth and felt nothing. My friend ate a quarter and he too felt nothing. So apparently we weren't getting shroomed out after all. The next two days I tried LSD. The first day I took one paper and felt no effects. The next day I tried taking two and it only really caused me to see things brighter and bigger, but no real "acid trip" like effects. Next year I hope to be able to get better quality substances before I go to the festival, however I live in a small town filled mostly with coke, booze, weed, and a lot of prescription pills,  which makes it very difficult to find mushrooms or illegal mind altering drugs whatsoever.

My mind is getting tired which works well as I have nothing more to say for tonight, but I will be posting again soon, either with new experiences or with just my thoughts on whatever I fancy that day. I hope you enjoyed it (if anyone even reads this).

 Goodnight and good luck in every facet of your life. -TGL